Monday, February 8, 2010

Arts vs. Science

Arts and science really represent two modes human thinking, but they are equally human, possessing two sides of humanity.

One side of humanity is being emotional, intuitive senses, vague and passionate feelings. That's what art is about. ambiguity is an important part that constitutes art.

Science, on the other hand, does not tolerate ambiguity. The concepts, operational definitions, and measurement have to be as precise as possible. Scientists have to be very clear about what they mean by a concept, and how their research actually tests or applies the concept. Great pain is taken to make sure that what the scientist states and does are not ambiguous.

So art stands at the side of emotion of humanity, while science, the side of reason. These two don't necessarily go against each other, but show that human beings are neither purely emotional, nor purely reasonable. We are both. And that's what makes world wonderful.

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